Wage Loss Benefits

If you’ve been injured on the job and can’t work, missed paychecks can lead to unpaid bills and make it a struggle to stay afloat financially. As an injured worker, you deserve to collect lost wages while you’re hurt and unable to work. Though the workers’ compensation process can be confusing and complex, our workers’ compensation attorneys will protect your rights and help you get the lost wage benefits you need.

Types of Wage Loss Benefits

  • Total Disability - If you’re completely disabled and incapable of returning to any position at work, you may be eligible to receive lost wage benefits based on total disability. Generally, recipients get two-thirds of their weekly wage, although those with incomes below a certain threshold can receive up to 90% of their average weekly paycheck. However, the weekly benefit amount has a maximum cap for those with higher incomes.
  • Partial Disability - Those who’ve been injured at work but are able to return to a light duty position may still be eligible to collect lost wage benefits if the light duty position offers a lower wage. Pennsylvania workers’ compensation provides for the partially disabled to receive two-thirds of the difference in pay of the two positions for a maximum of 500 weeks.

Changes in Benefits

Lost wage benefits can be lowered if you begin receiving income from another source, including Social Security disability, a pension or unemployment benefits. Also, Pennsylvania workers’ compensation does not provide for a cost of living increase – you will continue to collect the same sum for the duration of your payments or you can settle for a lump sum.